Leonid Ljubotina
Leonid Ljubotina obtained his master’s degree in traffic and transportation from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering and Architecture of the University of Maribor in 2019. His study module was road traffic safety, a field which he is currently involved in professionally at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences as an Expert Associate for EU and international projects. Currently, he is involved in EU-funded projects for the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, some of which are: SABRINA (Safer Bicycle routes in Danube Area) and CEF project SLAIN (Saving lives assessing and improving TEN-T road networks safety) and Erasmus+ Euros@p. He is an iRAP accredited and ECS certified assessor.

Sanja Leš
Sanja Leš has master in law obtained from Faculty of Law of University of Zagreb in 2013. She work at Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences as project manager and legal adviser for EU and international projects in the field of road infrastructure safety. Currently she is managing EU-funded projects for the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, some of which are: Interreg Danube projects RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Are Roads) and SABRINA (Safer Bicycle routes in Danube Area) and CEF project SLAIN (Saving lives assessing and improving TEN-T road networks safety) and Erasmus+ Euros@p. She is currently enrolled in postgraduate specialist programme in Intellectual property on University of Zagreb and holds the iRAP Analysis and Reporting accreditation.

Anđelo Marunica
Anđelo Marunica gained his master's degree in Traffic and Transportation (With a module in traffic safety) from the University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Traffic engineering and Architecture (FGPA), in 2019. He is currently an employee of University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Department of Transport Planning, where he works as an Expert Associate for EU, international and iRAP projects. Some of his work concerning road safety includes Interreg Danube SABRINA (Safer Bicycle routes in Danube Area) and various iRAP related projects. He is iRAP accredited for Coding, Analysis and Reporting.