M.Sc. Wido Hamel
Wido Hamel is a certified road safety auditor. He is also a researcher and teacher in the field of road safety, road planning and road design.
He studied Mechatronics (B. Eng.) at the University of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland (CH), Duale Hochschule Baden-Wuertemberg (GER), Université Haute-Alsace (F) and Environmental Engineering (M. Sc.) specialising in traffic system planning at the Bauhaus University Weimar (GER) and BTH Karlskrona (S).
After graduating, he worked as a road designer at “IGS INGENIEURE GmbH” from 2016-2018. Since moving to the Bauhaus University in 2018, Mr Hamel has been involved in various research projects on road safety, traffic modelling, traffic concepts and teaching projects. He is currently working on the EuroSAP, Afrotrans and Bauhaus.Mobility Academy research projects and is also responsible for the training and certification of road safety auditors.

Dipl-Ing. Julius Uhlmann
Julius is a lecturer and researcher in the field of transport planning. He studied transport engineering at TU Dresden and RTU Riga, majoring in transport planning and traffic engineering. After graduating from TU Dresden (Dipl.-Ing.) in 2018, he joined Bauhaus-University Weimar as a researcher at the Chair of Transport System Planning. His main research interests are traffic safety, transport policies, transport modelling and the intersections of transport and cultural studies. He currently is a researcher in the projects EuroS@P and INUMO and responsible for the international cooperations of the chair. His teaching experience includes courses on Macroscopic Transport Modelling, Bicycle and Transport Infrastructure Planning and Mobility Studies.