IO15 Development of the e-learning platform

The task will be implemented under working package 5 (WP5. Development of innovative teaching and certification methodologies). The task will be combined with the results of the work in work packages 2-4.

Target groups:

1. Research and teaching staff from institutions involved in the project.
2. Students of civil engineering and transportation engineering.
3. National, local and regional road authority staff.
4. Specialists dealing with road safety issues at the national and international level.

Elements of innovation:

The MOOC Movement A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a type of online course characterized by large-scale student participation and open access via the Internet. The “Open” part of the MOOC acronym signifies “free” to many people—as in “free to students”. Udacity, edX, and Coursera are among the most recognizable MOOCs providers due to their history of early delivery during the MOOC movement, their level of market penetration, and the large numbers of MOOC participants that they enroll.

Expected impact:

The e-learning platform enhances pedagogic opportunities for educators to experiment and evaluate different online learning approaches by more flexible forms of learning and assessment that include community as well as content-based models of learning. The e-learning platform provides the above targets groups with flexible, accessible learning through a variety of training opportunities, technical assistance services, and educational resources. The program assists road safety professionals in developing their skills to build technical proficiency while furthering their career paths. Through its outreach, coordination, and instructional products, the e-learning platform is integral in aiding universities to develop new tools and concepts in education and training to progress on Road Safety. In order to generate exploitation opportunities and see the results of the project embedded in future, the project will liaise with public authorities represented in EuroRAP.

Transferability potential:

The e-learning platform will be available on the Internet, which will enable its use by research centres and road authorities throughout Europe. The e-learning platform with courses, all of which will be available to be applied to existing university course curriculum. Through the e-learning platform, the project is committed to creating a one-stop solution for online learning on Road Safety by offering training on all aspects of the subject that cater to all levels.

The division of work:

• Design of the concept of the e-learning platform.
• Development of the e-learning platform.
• Sharing the e-learning platform for target groups.

The tasks leading to the production of the intellectual output:

The institution EuroRAP will be responsible for overseeing the development of the open online platform. Consortium participants will cooperate in preparing this tool, exchanging their expertise and experience and as lecturers.

Applied methodology:

MOOC technology (Massive Open Online Course) will be used to develop the e-learning platform